Sunday, September 27, 2009

Recession & Hike

"Make hay while the sun shines" - this is what I most closely relate recession to.

Salary cuts for employees - company accumulates wealth.
Introduce new mind boggling policies which won't be modified - betterment for the company.
Cut the cost every nook and corner - company saves.

Now, the "hike" news is buzzing all over.
Will the hike really benefit us? The prices of essential food commodities have (or will) increased. Other essential must use things such as petrol, medicines, house rent, dresses, etc, also will increase. We would be paying more for these things. So, we end up saving only the same amount we used to save previously.

"Hike" is just a mental satisfaction.


The company pays you just enough so that you won't quit the company.
You work hard just enough so that the company doesn't fire you.

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