It was working y'day, but dont know why its not working today.
Its not working on my system, but its working on his'.
I have never got this kind of exception.
Its out of scope.
If any bug exists from previous release - Production issue (never bothers to solve it. Let it continue).
If any problem with information - data problem.
If server problem - environment issue.
If any co-developer has got a bug to fix & he has asked the developer for help - Let me have a look at it (escape !).
If on personal call & any official call comes in between - I will get back to you soon (after 3 hrs?).
Requirements are not clear.
Who did the component design? It doesn't go with the code !
We need to clarify this issue. (we?).
(If onsite) What are guys doing at offshore (or onsite, if offshore) ?
How come managers will always be in meetings or calls? They dont have any work is it?
I wont attend this meeting (conf call). Its pure waste of time.
When asked about what happened in meeting (if attended) - another time pass meeting man. Kind of a break for 2 hours. Had a good sleep. Dont know what they were talking about.
I'm having a headache now. Will come early tomorrow and solve it. (what did u say..? early..? tomo...? with headache...?).
Beleive me, I composed this blog in office !
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